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美國關於中國和平發展外交戰略研究述評   2011-07-15 00:05:10  



  [1] 當中國2005年開始用“和平發展”取代“和平崛起”後,美國研究者看法不一,或將兩者當作同一概念,或認為兩者有些差異。本文只就美國部分研究者關於中國“和平發展”外交戰略的研究作些述評。

  [2] 在看待中國“和平發展”戰略問題上,美國研究者有分歧,大致可分三類。第一類認為,中國實現此戰略具有可能性,對世界和平與發展有積極意義。第二類認為,中國不可能“和平發展”,中國“發展”將給美國和世界帶來“威脅”。第三類持觀望或中立態度。本文基本上就第一類研究者關於中國該戰略的研究簡單作些梳理。

  [3] Evan S.Medeiros,Chinas International Behavior:Activism,Opportunism,and Diversification,Santa Monica,California:Rand Corporation,2009,p.44、p.48.

  [4] Evelyn Goh and Sheldon W.Simon,“Introduction”,in Evelyn Goh and Sheldon W.Simon,eds.,China,the United States,and Southeast Asia:Contending Perspectives on Politics,Security,and Economics,New York and London:Routledge,2008,p.4.

  [5][9][10][14][15][17][37] JeanMarc F.Blanchard and Sujian Guo,“Introduction”,in Sujian Guo and JeanMarc F.Blanchard,eds.,“Harmonious World”and Chinas New Foreign Policy,Lanham,Maryland:Lexington Books,2008,pp.8-9,pp.7-8,pp.7-8,pp.5-6,p.6,p.16,p.15.

  [6][11][23] Suisheng Zhao,“Chinese Foreign Policy under Hu Jintao:The Struggle between LowProfile Policy and Diplomatic Activism”,in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 5(2010),October 2010,pp.357-358,p.366,p.359.

  [7][12] Suisheng Zhao,ed., ChinaU.S.Relations Transformed:Perspectives and Strategic Interactions,New York:Routledge,2008,pp.24-25,p.8、p.11.

  [8] See

  [13] Baogang Guo and Sujian Guo,“Introduction”,in Sujian Guo and Baogang Guo,eds.,Greater China in an Era of Globalization,Lanham,Maryland:Rowman & Littlefield,2010,p.9

  [16] Robert Sutter,U.S.Chinese Relations:Perilous Past,Pragmatic Present,Lanham,Maryland:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,2010,p.143.

  [18] Dennis Hickey and Baogang Guo,eds.,Dancing with the Dragon:Chinas Emergence in the Developing World,Lanham,Maryland:Lexington Book,2010,p.6.

  [19][39] See Sujian Guo and Baogang Guo,eds.,Thirty Years of ChinaU.S.Relations:Analytical Approaches and Contemporary Issues, Lanham,Maryland:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,2010 ,pp.123-124.

  [20] Joseph S.Nye,“USChina Relationship:A Shift in Perceptions of Power”,in Los Angeles Times,April 6,2011.

  [21][38] David M.Lampton,The Three Faces of Chinese Power:Might,Money and Minds,Berkeley:University of California Press,2008,p.206,p.273.

  [22] John L.Thornton,“Long Time Coming:the Prospects for Democracy in China”,in Foreign Affairs,January/February 2008.

  [24] David Shambaugh,“Return to the Middle Kingdom? China and Asia in the Early Twentyfirst Century”,in David Shambaugh,ed.,Power Shift:China and Asias New Dynamics,Berkeley:University of California Press,2005,pp.23-47.

  [25][27] Yufan Hao,“Introduction”,in Yufan Hao,C.X.George Wei and Lowell Dittmer,eds.,Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy:Diplomacy,Globalization,and the Next World Power,Lexington,Kentucky:University Press of Kentucky,2009,p.4,p.13.

  [26][30] Quansheng Zhao and Guoli Liu,“China Rising:Theoretical Understanding and Global Response”,in Quansheng Zhao and Guoli Liu,eds.,Managing the China Challenge:Global Perspectives,Abingdon,Oxon and New York:Routledge,2009,pp.10-11,p.6.

  [28][31] Harry Harding,“Think Again:China”,in Foreign Policy,March/April 2007,p.32,pp.26-27

  [29] Robert G.Sutter,Chinese Foreign Relations:Power and Policy since the Cold War, Lanham,Maryland:Rowman and Littlefield Publishers,2007,p.15、p.2.

  [32]“Debating Chinas Future”,in China Security,Vol.4,No.2,Spring 2008,pp.22-23.

  [33] Sujian Guo and Baogang Guo,“Introduction”,in Sujian Guo and Baogang Guo,eds.,Thirty Years of ChinaU.S.Relations:Analytical Approaches and Contemporary Issues,Lanham,Maryland:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,2010 ,pp.5-6.


  [35] Jing Huang,“The Tibet Issue:an Impasse or Entrapment?”in East Asian Policy,JulySeptember 2009,Vol.1,No.3 ,p.24.

  [36] See

  [40] Fareed Zakaria,“Does the Future Belong to China?”in Newsweek,May 9,2005.

  [41] Yu Bin,“Chinas Harmonious World:Beyond Cultural Interpretations”,in Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol.13,No.2,August 2008,p.134.

  [42] Dejin Su,“Hu Jintaos U.S.Visit Highlights Chinas Rising Influence”,in Washington Observer Weekly,Issue 174,April 26,2006.

  [43] David Shambaugh,“Chinas 60th Birthday:The Road to Prosperity”,in Time,September 28,2009.


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