劍橋大學校長斯蒂芬﹒圖普(Stephan Toope)(中評社 海涵攝) |
中評社北京3月26日電(記者 海涵)24日下午,劍橋大學校長斯蒂芬﹒圖普(Stephan Toope)訪問北京大學並在“大學堂·北大講壇”發表了題為《焦慮時代下的全球大學》的演講。在將近40分鐘的演講中,圖譜用純正的英式發音,為現場聽眾帶來了一場聽覺和思想上的雙重盛宴。以下是圖譜演講金句中英版:
Peking University has been a leading institution of higher education in China since its establishment 121 years ago and has contributed immeasurably to the enlightenment of modern Chinese society.
We rely on people who can think critically and independently, and on researchers capable of examining every aspect of a specific issue. That is one of the key roles of global universities like PKU and Cambridge.
Global universities must seek connection, communication and collaboration if we wish to see changes that will make the world a better place for everyone.
Challenges on this scale, of this complexity, demand the kind of multi-disciplinary teams of researchers that only global research universities can marshal. They need institutions that are not seeking simply to profit, but to help, and which place their contribution to society firmly at their core.
We need the collaboration and the diversity of points of view that have led to the greatest developments of the past, and will lead to the innovations on which the future health of our planet and our societies will depend.