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美國防部長約翰霍普金斯大學講話(英文)   2018-01-20 17:05:16

Ladies and gentlemen, let me just say thank you for taking time, again, to hear me out this morning.  I hope it was of some value, and that the questions, especially -- I thought were -- by the way, Katherine, thank you for selecting however you did. I know you had more than that, but the questions, I thought, were very good.  

And I would just encourage all of you, if you think we're missing something or on the wrong track, by all means, notify us.

There's ways to get a hold of us, through our public affairs, and I get those.  It's not all love mail, when I get it, I assure you.  (Laughter.)  I didn't realize my parentage involved that, at times.  (Laughter.)  

But I would just tell you this is a raucous democracy and our troops stand ready right now, as we're all sitting here enjoying freedoms we somewhat -- even I -- take for granted.  

They're out there, right now, ready to do whatever it takes to keep us -- keep us safe.  So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, and know that they represent the very best of us.  They're wonderful, and they really did sign that check, payable with their lives -- a blank check -- to every one of you.  

So thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.  I look forward to hearing from you.

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