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魏鳳和香會講話英文全文   2019-06-07 10:05:52

中國國務委員兼國防部長魏鳳和6月2日早上在新加坡香格里拉對話會上演講,受到高度關注。(中評社 郭至君攝)
  中評社北京6月7日電(記者 郭至君)中國國務委員兼國防部長魏鳳和6月2日早上在新加坡香格里拉對話會上演講,受到高度關注。以下為其發言英文版全文:

              Speech at the 18th Shangri-La Dialogue
                    by Gen. Wei Fenghe
           State Councilor and Minister of National Defense, PRC
                      2 June, 2019

  It gives me great pleasure to attend the 18th Shangri-la Dialogue. I would like to thank Dr. John Chipman for inviting me here and thank the Singapore government, the Ministry of Defense in particular, for the warm hospitality. I would also like to congratulate His Excellency Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on his excellent keynote address the other day. This is my first attendance at the Shangri-la Dialogue as China’s defense minister. I am here for mutual confidence, cooperation and peace. I am glad to speak on China and International Security Cooperation. 

  I.Humanity is at a crossroad. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is the right path forward and the trend of the times. 

  The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Destabilizing, uncertain factors and challenges continue to rise. 
  President Xi Jinping’s great vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind is the answer to harmonious coexistence of people across the world, the effective solution to global problems and the right path towards world peace and human progress. We  

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