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        再度相逢, 珍妮吻了我,
        從椅子上跳起, 她充滿了驚喜;
        時間魔鬼, 好東西你都愛收羅,
        來吧, 我把這一切都給你:
        我失魂落魄, 垂頭喪氣,
        我一貧若洗, 多病體弱,
        我慢慢地變老, 只剩嘆息,
        但是, 珍妮吻了我。
        注釋: Rondeau 是法國詩歌的一種格式, 通常有8到15行, 用雙韵。
        Jenny kissed me when we met,
        Jumping from the chair she sat in;
        Time, you theft, who love to get
        Sweets into your list, put that in:
        Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
        Say that health and wealth have missed me,
        Say I'm growing old, but add,
        Jenny kissed me.
        Note: Rondeau is a French verse form of 8 to 15 lines running on two rhymes.

        (Leigh Hunt)